
Creation - Chapter 3

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Literature Text

Chapter 3 – Tearing Down Walls

As Foxy, Porche and Hamburg wondered around aimlessly through the endless series of staircases, all three of them were all at once completely filled with questions. Where we they? How will they get back? CAN they get back? And more importantly just where and what was the creature that led them here? However while Porche and Hamburg both shared looks of fear, Foxy on the other hand seemed to be enjoying himself.

“Fehfefefefefe! Can you believe this shipmates!” he laughed. “Not only did we find a potential new crewmate, but he’s led us to his very home! Perhaps there are more just like him.”

“Uh… I don’t know boss, it looks weird here,” Porche said nervously, much to Foxy’s chagrin. “Plus we don’t even know where HERE is, or even if we can get back.”

Foxy rolled his eyes at that.

“There is nothing to fear Porche,” he said reassuringly. “As soon as we find that weirdo, then it’s just a matter of catching him and forcing him to spill all his secrets.”

Though their Captain’s idea was pretty straight forward there was still the issue of actually FINDING the creature in this maze of staircases, which was no easy task, given the fact that they had absolutely no idea whether they were going up or down each staircase. As they continued to walk, all three pirates couldn’t help but take notice of all the images on the walls, all of them different and strange in their own way, they may have been unaware of their true nature but they seem to catch the Foxy Pirates’ interest regardless. That is until one of the Deadpool images begin banging his fist against the images, attempting to break out during one of his Fourth-Wall moments.

“Hey Beautiful!” Deadpool’s image cried. “How about coming over here and hanging out with a REAL man!?!”

Upon seeing this Porche couldn’t help but squeal in fright and run away from the image.

“Geez, why am I being hit on by all the weirdos today!?!” she moaned.

“Quiet Porche!” Foxy snapped. “I think we’re getting close.”

At first, neither Porche nor Hamburg had any idea what foxy was talking about, however upon seeing where he was pointing, they began to understand. At the top of the stairs they were climbing was a corridor that began with a right angle turn, a corridor that seemed to be emanating a luminous light that seemed to be from a candle, however it was the shadow being cast within it that was catching the pirate’s attention, a shadow belonging to none other than G himself.

“We got him now,” Hamburg giggled. “Pupupupupupu.”

“Quiet Hamburg!” Foxy snapped in a quiet whispered. “Do you want to give us away!?!”

Hamburg turned silent at that.

“Sorry Boss,” he said sheepishly.

Following their Captain’s lead, all three Foxy Pirates then started slowly making their way up the stairs, with every step they took, they made sure not to make another sound in case their target caught wind of their presence. However that was when the shadow disappeared from sight, indicating that he had moved from where he was, seeing this Foxy and his two comrades hastened their pace and speed up into a small run. As they reached the end of the stairs and turned the corner, they were sure that they would at least get a better glimpse of their target, only to find an empty room when they arrived.

“Damn it!” Foxy snapped angrily. “We lost him!”

This was indeed true, apart from the three pirates there was absolutely no sign of life inside the room they had entered.  However despite this little setback, the room itself seemed to perk Foxy’s interest due to the fact that it was somewhat different to the rest of the place. To be more precise, it was a massive round room that actually kept its own law of gravity, meaning there wasn’t a single staircase in sight despite its size, and unlike the rest of the area, there were no pictures on the walls, instead they were lined several tall filing cabinets that reached as high as the mile high ceiling. The only other piece of furniture was a small work desk in the centre of the room, upon it were several pieces of paper and a candle that served as the only source of light. With Curiosity getting the better of them, Foxy and his two comrades approached the table.

“What’s this?” He thought aloud, picking up one of the piece of paper.

As Foxy examined the writing, most likely done by the very creature he and his crewmates were looking for, his eyes widened with awe upon seeing what it was describing. What Foxy held in his hands were none other than a detailed record of what had happened upon the Silver Foxy before he and the others gave chase, along with some information about what happened beforehand. Placing down the piece of paper and picking up another one to read, Foxy’s interests peeked, much like the last one this paper had a detailed description of what the creature has done the previous day, only this one seemed to have a different set of events, some of which shouldn’t be possible even on the Grand Line. Suddenly upon seeing the small photo paper-clipped to the paper, Foxy’s mind suddenly began to make sense of everything, mainly due to the fact that he had just seen the very same image speaking to Porche a short while ago.

“I see,” Foxy finally said, his gaze suddenly turning back to the tall filing cabinets around him. “This must be some kind of filing room.”

“A LARGE filing room,” Hamburg commented.

“But to file what exactly?” Porche asked, raising an eyebrow.

Foxy scratched his chin at that.

“It seems to me that these papers are a written record of all those images outside,” he explained. “Every image on those walls was given hand written notes, based on locations, characters, and all sorts!”

Neither Porche nor Hamburg really understood what their Captain was saying, but none the less they tried their hardest to do so as they too looked over the papers on the desk.

“Check out this one,” Porche said, before reading aloud. “It’s called… What a Dinosaucerific Experience. A decent story as far as Crossovers go, but I always prefer a different blend if you know what I mean.”

“It’s like this guy is writing review for a book or something,” Hamburg commented with a goofy grin.

At those words Foxy once again began to think. Why did this creature write such a thing in his notes? Now that he looked at the others again, he noticed that all of them were written in the same way. Perhaps to him that’s what all these worlds are, stories that need to be told, perhaps he thought of himself a god or something traveling between each one. With the gears turning in his head, Foxy once again grinned.

“Well perhaps OUR story is about to get an interesting twist,” he said.

Both Porche and Hamburg scratched their heads at that.

“What do you mean Boss?” Porche asked curiously.

“We wanted crewmembers did we not?” Foxy responded smugly. “Well, now we have an entire arsenal of them, and we get to take our pick of the biggest and baddest of the lot!”

However that explanation didn’t seem to go through Porche and Hamburg’s heads as easily as Foxy hoped since both of them only looked back at him with a dumbfounded look, after a dramatic face-palm, foxy then decided to emphasise.

“The Pictures on those walls!” he snapped. “They’re obviously portals to other worlds, how else do you explain how we got here!?!”

At first Porche was about to retort, however she couldn’t think of an alternative answer, thus she decided to let her Captain finish speaking.

“Think about it,” Foxy continued. “We came here by following that creature through some weird portal, after which we arrived in an entire gallery, therefore it only stands to reason that we came here through one of them. And if we came HERE through one of those pictures, then we can go to other worlds the very same way, and by doing so we can find the greatest candidates for crewmembers to bring back with us. Heck, we could build an entire armada if we like!”

As crazy as that plan sounded, to Porche and Hamburg it seemed to be one of Foxy’s greatest ideas yet, the facts seem plausible and needless to say both of their curiosity’s perked upon the initiative.

“And perhaps these notes might give us an inkling of who to look for?” Porche queried, causing Foxy’s grin to spread even wider.

“Exactly!” he replied with smirk. “So what do you say my friends? Shall we create the greatest pirate crew or what?”

However before either pirate could respond, another voice echoed above their heads.

“That DOES sound like an interesting idea,” it said. “However I’m afraid you three won’t be able to get the chance to get it past the planning stages.”

Upon hearing that, all three pirates looked up to see something drop down from the ceiling. Startled upon this sudden occurrence, all three of them scrambled to get out of the way, and just in the nick of time since whatever it was, came crashing down onto the desk, smashing it into splinters and creating a crater in the floor. When the dust finally settled, Foxy and his two crewmates once again found themselves face to face with their target, only this time G was wearing his REAL face.

“Didn’t anyone tell you that it was rude to enter someone’s home without permission?” the living Genre said playfully, though still keeping a stern glare.

However still in shock from the sudden drop, Foxy could only utter a single word.

“YOU!!!” he growled.

“ME!!!” G yelled in response, mainly just because he found it fun to mock Foxy even further. “Okay now that we’ve got that out of the way… HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU THREE GET INTO MY HOUSE!?!”

Needless to say the sudden raise of volume startled the three pirates, especially since it was so loud that G’s voice blew all three of them up against one of the filing cabinets. After quickly getting over yet another shock, Foxy couldn’t help but chuckle.

“It’s quite simple my boy,” he said, trying desperately to force back his laughter and pointing towards G accusingly. “YOU led us right to the front door!”

At first G was going to retort with another snarky remark, however no that he thought about it, the more Foxy’s answer seemed to make sense, which in turn meant that he had officially screwed up big-time.

“Oh… bugger,” he said embarrassedly, not really knowing else what else to say.

Seeing that their enemy has been dumbfounded by the sudden realisation, both Porche and Hamburg decided to pour some salt into the wound and gloat at G’s expense.

“And now your mistake is gonna cost you dearly,” Porche said slyly.

“Time to pay the piper, freak,” Hamburg added. “Pupupupupupupu.”

That was when G really began to lose his temper, it was bad enough that these three have found a way to follow him back to his own home, rummaged through his things, and now they’re making things all the worse by insulting him!?! At this point he was becoming so angry that fire was literally spurting from his nostrils.

“Well you three seem to be forgetting one thing,” he growled, his eyes suddenly glowing red from his fury, which in turn started to scare the three pirates. “You’re in MY world now, and here… I’M the Captain!!!”

With those final words, G inhales a deep breath and released a large stream of blue fire from his mouth. In a fit of panic, all three pirates ducked from the flames and made a break for it back down the stairs, after which G quickly gave chase. True it was a stupid idea on G’s part but his fury did have the habit of clouding his judgement at times, even if these three were characters he needed to put back in their own world, that didn’t mean that he couldn’t rough them up a bit first, and thanks to the Fantasy-based dragon fire he possessed, he had the ability to do so.

“When I get my hands on you three, I’m gonna make you wish you never came here!!!” he screamed as he chased the three pirates through the series of staircases that made up his home.

With every twist and turn all three pirates grew more and more scared, especially now that G seemed to be moving the gravity-defying staircase to lead back to him. Finally things became so frustrating for Foxy and all of a sudden he stopped and turned to face his pursuer.

“What the heck am I running for!?!” he snarled. “I’m Silver Fox Foxy, what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine as well! And I ain’t gonna be pushed around by some four-foot freak in a hat!”

At those words Foxy then readied himself and raised his fingers in his signature pose.

“SLOW-SLOW BEAM!!!” he screamed.

At those words, Foxy’s Devil Fruit Power activated and once again the pink light burst from his fingers, only this time it hit it’s intended target. Before G could get three feet from Foxy and let out another stream of fire, he found himself getting caught in the pirate’s attack and floating in the air during mid-jump in slow-motion. Upon seeing their Captain’s accomplishment, Porch and Hamburg finally stopped themselves and decided to join in on the action.

“Fehfefefefefefefefe!!!” Foxy laughed. “Not so tough now, are ya? Hamburg, time for some batting practise!”

Hamburg grinned evilly at that, after which he then pulled out one of his iron clubs out of his pants and quickly readied himself for a massive swing.

“Pupupupupupu, batter up!” he chuckled.

Those were the last words G heard before Hamburg’s club impacted with the side of his body, of course thanks to Foxy’s Devil Fruit Powers it didn’t really effect G’s floating form at first, all of a sudden his 30 seconds were up and g quickly regain his velocity. In a matter of seconds G was sent flying across the vast amount of staircases, straight into one of the walls, causing damge to both the wall and G’s body and pride.

“Okay,” G groaned. “Guess I should have seen that one coming.”
Upon saying that, G then slid down the wall and collapsed onto the floor beneath him.

“You... are so… gonna pay for…” G tried to say before being cut off midsentence by a loud crack from behind him.

Turning his head towards the noise, G gasped in horror upon seeing what had happened to the wall. Upon the very spot where his body had made impact with the wall was a large fissure, one of which that seemed to be continuing to crack along the very stone and spreading to every wall it was connected to.  As each crack grew longer and longer, a luminous purple glow emanated from each of its depths, soon enough each crack, no matter how small soon began to spread across the images themselves.

“You idiots!” G screamed fearfully as each of his precious windows into new worlds began to fall victim to the fractures. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!”

As it turned out, the walls where the pictures had been placed were what was known as the walls of creation, a strong yet sensitive barrier between each image specifically made so that no story or character ever merges with any that wasn’t intended to be a crossover. A wall that at this very moment had been damaged by the sudden impact G had caused when Hamburg had attacked him, and getting worse by the second, and what’s worse, G knew for a fact that each story the crack had touched would be affected in such terrible ways.


One of the realms in particular was none other than a magical land known as Equestria, though no one had noticed at first, the small crack in the wall of a certain Crystal Castle, a wall that served as the structure for a certain young Alicorn’s bedroom.

“Oh come on, mom,” the little filly pleaded. “Just a little longer.”

This was Nyx, a sweet Alicorn Filly with a regal black coat, a long, rich purple mane and tail, the mane topped with a light-green hairband, and a pair of deep green eyes like-catlike pupils. She also had an image of a night-blue kite shield upon her flank, thus being her Cutie Mark, a trait which many ponies like her share, though of course with a different image for each one.

“Now Nyx,” said another, older Alicorn who had just entered the room. “I now you love this book but you know you have school tomorrow, and you know how upset Miss Cheerilee would be if you accidently slept in again.”

This was of course, Nyx’s mother, Twilight Sparkle. She was a beautiful purple Alicorn with a lavender coat, a straight, dark purple mane with lighter purple highlights, along with a loving smile that always gave her daughter the encouragement she needed to succeed in her day to day life. Of course Nyx was only her adoptive daughter, but regardless she still loved her as her own, especially after everything they both went through during the first few months after they first met, but that is another story altogether. In THIS story however, Nyx was once again in a bit of bother during the late hours of a Sunday evening, specifically her need to finish her favourite book. Nyx always loved to read, a trait that she gladly shared with Twilight, however in this particular case it was getting in the way of allowing her to get a decent night’s sleep before she went to school in the morning, and Celestia knows how much her teacher was going to be cross with her if she was late for a third time for the same reason.

“I don’t have that much more to go,” Nyx said desperately. “Come on, just one more page?”

“I said no, Nyx,” Twilight said sternly, though still keeping her smile. “Come on, go to sleep.”

Sighing with defeat, Nyx based a mark upon the page she was on, close the book and placed it upon her bedside table, before curling up beneath the covers. However even though she knew that this was for her own good, Twilight still couldn’t help but feel a little sympathy for her daughter, after all she has been guilty of enjoying a good book too much herself, therefore she walked up towards the bed and gave the little filly a kiss upon the forehead.

“We can finish the book tomorrow, okay?” she said sweetly, reassuring the young filly. “Goodnight Nyx.”

“Goodnight Mom,” Nyx replied with her own smile, before closing her eyes to drift off to sleep.

However as sweet as the moment was, that was when tragedy struck. Just as Twilight had turned away to walk out of the bedroom door, a loud crack began to echo from behind Nyx’s bed. Turning their heads towards the noise, both Alicorn’s were shocked to see a luminous purple crack etching its way across the wall, eventually causing the very wall to split in two. As both mother and daughter gasped in horror at the sight before them, both of them tried to back away from the gaping void in Nyx’s wall, however since the young filly was closer to the luminous crack, she was the more unfortunate one. Within seconds, a sudden gust of wind began to burst from the crack and suck everything in that was close enough to it, and unfortunately that meant it had a grip on Nyx too.

“MOM!!!” the poor filly screamed tearfully as she tried desperately to hang onto her bedpost for dear life.

Naturally Twilight’s first instinct was to save her daughter, no matter the cost, however with the force of the wind pulling harder and harder, Nyx was quickly losing her grip. Despite her struggle against the wind, Twilight tried desperately to walk towards Nyx whilst also avoiding getting swept up herself, soon enough she was only a few inches away from her daughter. She was just about to grab her daughter’s hoof and pull her back toward her but it was too late, Nyx had lost her grip on the bedpost and was sucked into the void. Before Twilight could do anything else, the crack had sealed itself as quickly as it opened and Nyx, her sweet little girl, was gone.

“NYX!!!!” Twilight screamed, tears streaming down her face with terror for her filly.


Meanwhile across the plains of creation, the same thing was happening to every other realm. To be more precise, whilst carrying out their Master Shredder’s orders to obtain some less than legal materials from the docks of New York, three mutated humans were met with the same strange crack in the concrete beneath their feat.

“Bebop! Rocksteady!” yelled the large skeletal wolf, who was in fact the leader of the operation. “Check this out!”

At those words, the second mutant, a skinny warthog with a purple Mohawk and energy lines fused into his skin growled with anger.

“Dang it Zombie-wolf, I told you my name is not Bebop!” he snapped, earning himself a snarl from the large beast.

“I don’t care if your name is Porky Pig!” he growled. “And it’s commander Rahzar to you!”

Hearing this the large rhino mutant wearing army pants and golden spikes in his shoulders couldn’t help but smirk.

“I see you have taken pride in your new name, da?” he said in his Russian accent.

At those words Rahzar once again growled.

“Don’t push your luck!” he said. “I may be a mutant for now, but I’ll be human again one day. Now both of you get your hides over here and look at this!”

Not wanting to push Rahzar’s anger any further, both mutants rushed toward the wolf and looked down at the crack.

“What do you make of it?” Rahzar asked.

“Beats me, yo,” Bebop responded, analysing the crack through his visor. “I never seen a reading this this before.”

“Whatever strange crack is, it seems to be growing.” Rocksteady added, taking notice of what the strange purple glow was doing.

Suddenly, before either mutant could say another word, the crack had split open revealing a large swirling vortex in the middle of the concrete, and just like what happened in Equestria, a burst of wind began to suck up everything near it, in this case it was the three mutants.

“What the…!?!” Rahzar yelped before being the first to fall through.

“Not good, yo!” Bebop screamed as he hung onto Rocksteady for dear life.

“Hold me close comrade!” Rocksteady cried reassuringly, trying desperately to keep his cohort from being sucked in.

However his efforts were in vain, within moments all three mutants had been sucked into the vortex and the crack had sealed itself behind them.


And much like the other realms, the City of Aku too fell victim to the damaged walls of creation. Here Chi was desperately trying to hang onto Mimi’s spiked tail whilst anchoring herself to her bedroom door to stop her from being sucked into the vortex that had burst into her ceiling.

“HANG ON MIMI!!!” Chi screamed.

However all it took was a crappy door handle to snap off the door and both Chi and Mimi were too sucked into the portal before it sealed itself back into a small crack.


This chain events continued throughout the entirety of all creation, and while many of cracks had already began to repair themselves as per the magical failsafe within the very stone, the damage has already been done, and G’s home had been desecrated to an extent that every idea in existence had been affected. With angry fire once again spurting out of his nostrils, G then turned back towards Foxy and his goons, who merely watched everything that was happening from a few staircase away.

“Do you have any idea, what you three have done!?!” he screamed, the purple light glowing ever brighter behind him. “The walls of creation have cracked! Everything’s seeping into…”

However G never got to finish his sentence, because much like every other world the crack had affected, G’s HQ was no exception, and at this point G was the only one who stood too close.

“WAAAHHHHHH!!!!!” he screamed before being sucked up into the original fracture.

He may have tried to fight it, even hung onto the edges to keep himself from being evicted from his home, but even they began to break apart. Before long, G had disappeared into the purple light and the fracture began to repair itself, however not without leaving any residual damage in the form of a few noticeable slivers along every wall, which in turn meant that whatever had happened was not going to be fixed without help. However the only creature in existence who even had any knowledge of how to do so had just been sent to who knows where.

“Porche, Hamburg, let’s head back to the filing room,” Foxy said, forcibly brushing off what had just happened. “We got us some recruiting to do.”
The newest chapter of my new crossover

Author’s Notes:


The mentioned Fanfiction Series “What a Dinosaucerific Experience” belongs to :iconlumenblurb:




The Character Nyx Belongs to  :iconpenstrokepony:




The Characters Chi and Mimi belong to  :iconbleedman:

© 2015 - 2024 Moheart7
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Quillwrite7x's avatar
Oh no!  What to happen next for all of them?